For several years now, Saint Jean Industries has been a trainer and recruiter of young talent in the field of industry, but not only that…
Saint Jean Industries recently set up Saint Jean University to train young people in certain areas of industry. The concept behind Saint Jean University is simple: experts give training to young people looking to learn and acquire knowledge. We wanted to create this because it’s very important for our company to pass on its knowledge and skills to the next generation. The primary aim of Saint Jean University is really to optimise the training of these young people.

Saint Jean Industries also recruits a lot of young people, in particular by taking on a large number of work-study students each year, to ensure that the next generation of staff is in place, but also, and above all, to ensure that the company remains young, connected and at the cutting edge of technology, with young people who are passionate about what they do, willing to listen and hard-working.
In 2 years, Saint Jean Industries has recruited no fewer than 30 work-study students in very different sectors (boiler making, machining, foundry, HR, marketing, project management). Saint Jean Industries wants to remain competitive, and we know that this will be achieved by recruiting young talent. However, Saint Jean Industries has not forgotten its most loyal employees, because we are first and foremost a family business that wants to keep its employees as long as possible.
Saint Jean Industries doesn’t just offer work-linked training, but also keeps track of its young people and, most of the time, offers to take them on. We really want to put our faith in these promising young people.
Below is a link to our latest YouTube video of our work-study students over the last few years to find out more about their feelings and their experience at Saint Jean Industries (I promise they were honest).
A big thank you to Raphaël Michelon, Mathéo Ducrot, Florian Epenoy and Thibaut Martinez for their contribution to this video and also for all the work done by these young people during their work-linked placement and, for some of them, since they were hired.
If you’re looking for a work-study placement or an internship in one of these sectors for next year, don’t hesitate to contact us at the following address: recrutement@st-ji.com